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Placement of veneers with orthodontic preparation

Restore aesthetics with orthodontic preparation, implants and prosthetics.

Treating doctors



Patient request

The patient complained about the aesthetics of the smile, discomfort when chewing and displacement of teeth on the lower jaw

What was done

Step 1: Orthodontic treatment

Attending physician

Together with the orthopedist, a treatment plan was proposed to restore the shape of the teeth with ceramic restorations after orthodontic preparation, as the alignment of the teeth alone in this case did not fully restore the aesthetics of the smile.

The bracket system was used to create space for implants and improve the position of teeth before dentures.

Step 2: Implantation

Implants were placed in the area of missing teeth 17 and 36.

Step 3. Placement of veneers

Ceramic veneers were placed on 14 upper and lower teeth.

That's what we got

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