Microimplants in orthodontics
Miniscrews (or micro-implants) significantly expand orthodontic options and improve treatment results. With the advent of miniscrews, there is less dependence on external factors or patient compliance with the rules of wearing elastics and other elements, as well as the possibility of correcting severe bite pathologies, which previously were not solvable.
Miniscrews are a micro-implant.What is a microimplant?
A conventional implant, on which a crown is placed, is embedded in the bone tissue and cannot be removed atraumatically. The micro-implant is very different in structure and material and looks more like a tiny screw with a diameter of 1.5 mm and a length of 6 mm to 12 mm. The visible part of the screw looks like a button – it serves as a support for an elastic rod, spring or other element of the bracket system.

Minivint — it is an absolute mainstay
Orthodontists are often faced with the need to move one tooth (or group of teeth) without changing the position of neighboring teeth. But if you selectively pull one tooth while leaning on another, both teeth will move toward each other, not just one. So, to prevent the other teeth from shifting, an additional support point is needed, which is the miniscrew. The active elements (elastic chanes, springs, ligatures) will not be fixed to the teeth, but to the miniscrew, which eliminates the movement of teeth that cannot move. The additional support improves control over necessary and correct movements and allows for movements that were not possible before.
How is the miniscrew installed?
The placement of a miniscrew – is a simple and quick procedure, the entire appointment lasts about 15 minutes. The dental surgeon uses a little local anesthesia to anesthetize the gum (similar to treating tooth decay) in the area where the screw is placed. Then the miniscrew is painlessly screwed into the gum and superficial layers of bone tissue using a hand-held instrument. The miniscrew does not implant into the bone tissue like a dental implant. When it has completed its tasks, it is unscrewed in 2 minutes without anesthesia.
Where is the miniscrew placed?
The area where the screw is placed depends on the orthodontic goals and the teeth to be moved. The exact position of the miniscrew is determined in conjunction with the orthodontist and dental surgeon based on CBCT data. The miniscrew can be placed in the gingival area between the teeth, behind the last teeth in the upper or lower jaw, or in the palatal area.
How long does a miniscrew take to heal?
When the anesthesia stops working, there may be a slight aching pain in the gum area. The mucosa heals quite quickly, so the discomfort goes away within 1-5 days depending on the area of insertion.
Since the miniscrew does not require long-term recovery, the orthodontist immediately after its placement or within the first 24 hours performs its «activation», i.e. installs elastic bands, springs or other elements.
How long to wear a miniscrew?
The extent and timing of miniscrew placement is determined by the orthodontist during the treatment planning process. In some cases, the miniscrew is placed for a few months, while in others it may be necessary during the entire orthodontic treatment process.
In what cases are micro-implants needed?
If it is necessary to move the teeth backwards
In orthodontic practice, moving teeth backwards is called distalization. Distalization can be either 1 tooth or the entire tooth row – depending on the clinical picture. This is one of the most common reasons for miniscrew placement, as it is almost impossible to perform this movement without additional support. In the case of distalization, the miniscrew is placed behind the last teeth in the tooth row (retromolar).
Pulling teeth up (embedding in bone tissue, intrusion)
Intrusion of teeth into the bone tissue is also not possible without a miniscrew. The following tasks are accomplished with intrusion:-
Tooth insertion when the tooth is pulled out of the bone tissue due to the absence of an antagonist on the opposite jaw
Correction of gingival smile
Correction of an open bite
Expansion of the upper dentition (MARPE - miniscrew-assisted rapid palatal expantion)
In case of pronounced skeletal narrowing in adolescents and young adults, miniscrew-supported maxillary expansion can be used to avoid surgery. In this case, 2-4 miniscrews are placed in the palatal region and a special expander (distractor) is fixed.
Retention of retained teeth
Retention – is a disturbance in the eruption of permanent teeth. Large forces are required to help the tooth to erupt into the dentition, and the support of the dentition can cause deformation of the dentition and undesirable movement of the supporting teeth. To prevent this from happening, the traction rods need to be fixed to an absolute support – a miniscrew. A great advantage is that traction of the retained tooth can be started even before the bracket system is fitted, thus reducing the overall treatment time with braces.
Closing of cracks and gaps from extraction
Closing gaps in the usual way (with elastic bands fixed to the braces) is a counter movement – that is, the teeth will move towards each other. In some cases, to correct the bite, it is necessary to close the space at the expense of only one tooth, and the second tooth remains in place. For this purpose, it is necessary to install a miniscrew – it will counteract unwanted movements.
Physician's Review
With the advent of micro-implants, orthodontists have increased the possibilities of treatment without removing the main teeth, the possibilities for treatment without surgical correction of the bite have expanded, and it is possible to move teeth without adversely affecting the rest of the teeth. Miniscrews in orthodontics – this is a necessary and unparalleled tool for quality and effective treatment.
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